
We no longer live in our natural environment, and with 21st century lifestyle, come 21st century diseases:

  • Nervous system issues: fatigue, sleep problems, stress, anxiety
  • Weight gain, metabolic disorders, obesity
  • Digestive issues, IBS, food intolerances, IBD
  • Heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol
  • Allergies, asthma, eczema, psoriasis, or other skin conditions
  • Joint pain, arthritis
  • Autism, ADHD
  • Food addiction
  • Infertility
  • Autoimmune disorders, cancers
  • Endocrine disorders like type II diabetes or thyroid disorders
  • Neurodegenerative diseases

Processed foods, constant stress, lack of sleep, sitting all day, being indoors, heavy screen use, toxic exposure, productivity culture, and lack of community lead to these modern conditions that are almost considered normal.

The solution is not the latest superfood or the trendiest diet. It involves rethinking our way of living entirely. 
Most things that are considered “normal” these days are actually insane and the root cause of all modern illnesses. 
Even the government guidelines of “eat less, move more” or “eat less meat, eat more plants” are contributing to our poor health.
We have completely lost touch with what “healthy” means and most of us think it equals eating foods we hate (kale smoothies) and exhausting ourselves in the gym. 
On top of that, social media bombards us with conflicting advice, making us even more confused.
Should we go vegan or carnivore? Should we fast? Should we follow a keto diet or boost out metabolism with a Ray Peat diet? 
I aim to bring back common sense and simplify things.

I will help you restore your health by finding balance between mimicking our natural world while making the most of our modern times.

This involves:
-Replacing industrial processed food with high-quality, local, seasonal real foods that our bodies recognize. And I don’t mean tons of imported vegetables and tofu. I mean food that is appropriate for the Swedish climate, during specific seasons and that is suitable for you
-Restoring our circadian rhythm and sleep patterns.
-Managing chronic stress and balancing the nervous system through identifying triggers, and managing stress through  breathing techniques, yoga, mindfulness practices, vagus nerve stimulation.
-Implementing the right amount of physical activity and spending time in nature.
-Reducing toxic exposure from industrial food additives, cleaning products, cosmetics, indoor air, plastic…

Through a Functional Medicine approach, I will help you address the root cause of your condition, rather than covering one symptom with one pill.

I use traditional wisdom, combined with the latest scientific research to remedy the damages caused by our modern lifestyle.

Together, we will create a personalised nutrition and lifestyle plan with clear, small changes, that can drastically improve your health.

© Marie Pironneau – Personalised Nutrition 2024